Am 07.05. spielen wir gemeinsam mit SVNTH und Our Silent Voice im Stockerhof Pfaffenhofen.
It's time to get back on stage again! Go buy your tickets now and see us live with Varg and Kveldulf on 07.12.2024!
Die nächste Live-Show steht vor der Tür! Am 02.11.2024 spielen wir wieder in Freising im wunderbaren JUZ Vis a Vis mit brachialer Verstärkung durch die Jungs von Leaderless und Insane Perception aus dem schönen Baden-Württemberg! Save the Date! See you.
May 29, 2024
10:10 p.m.
- 11 p.m.
Studentenstadt München - Atrium Bühne
Mark your calendars NOW for the Rock and Metal Night at StuStaCulum 2024 on 29.05.2024! With Blacktory,
Southern Deimos, The Djingerbread Experience and Kaifeck.
May 4, 2024
2 p.m.
Die Kantine, Neusser Landstraße 2, 50735 Köln
Wir sind im Finale der SPH Music Masters! Das Finale wird am 04.05. in Köln stattfinden. Damit eure Anreise erleichtert ist, organisieren wir einen Bus aus Pfaffenhofen, der auch über Erlangen fährt. Ihr könnt euch noch bis zum 24.03. über diesen Link anmelden:
April 20, 2024
7:30 p.m.
Jugend- und Kulturhaus Sonic, Dorfener Str. 13, 85435 Erding
Am Samstag, den 20. April, spielen wir zusammen mit unseren Freunden von The Djingerbread Experience und Dear Fiend im Sonic Erding. Kommt vorbei! Wird bestimmt ein fetziger, geiler Abend!
Doors: 19:30 Uhr - Eintritt 10
Am 11.11. wird das Halbfinale des SPH stattfinden! Kauft euch jetzt Tickets - beeilt euch, die Anzahl an Tickets ist auf 200 limitiert!
Save the date! Join us on September 23rd, as we rock the stage at the regio finals of the SPH-Music Masters band contest in Munich. Go support us and snag your tickets through the "Get Tickets" button. Come witness our live performance and be a part of the experience!
We're thrilled to announce that we will be playing at this year's StuStaCulum Festival in Munich! Looking forward to seeing all of you in front of the stage!
May 13, 2023
6 p.m.
- May 13, 2023 10:45 p.m.
Eiskeller E3, Erdinger Str. 14, 84405 Dorfen
We're thrilled to announce that we'll be performing in Dorfen at @e3dorfen on 13th May! We can't wait to see all of you in front of stage.
Make sure to check out the other bands:
Presented by @purefuckingmetalfestevil
#kaifeck #metal #live #dorfen #eiskellerdorfen #purefuckingmetal
Mark your calendars, metal fans! On March 17th, 2023, we will be taking the stage for the SPH-Music Masters bandcontest in Munich. Grab your tickets and support us now! We are looking forward for an unforgettable night of heavy metal. Don't miss your chance to see us live and in action!
On July 9th at 5:30 p.m. we will play at the first ever Open Park Festival in Freibad Pfaffenhofen! We're excited what playing at this location will be like as we spent lots of hours there in our childhood. Come and see us live at this special event!
We are happy to announce our next show! Come and see us at StuStaCulum on Wednesday, 15th of June at 8:30 pm. The following day is a holiday so there are no excuses! The festival is located in Munich's Studentenstadt (Hans-Leipelt-Straße 7).
No gigs for 2 years and then 2 gigs within 8 days?
We are happy to announce a second live show in May! Together with SOMA and Ocean's Bride we will play at the Cordobar in Germering, near Munich, on May 20th. See you in front on the stage!
After more than 2 years of waiting we can finally announce our next live gig: we will play at the Release Show of Prior the End , where not only their new album "Cutting My Roots" will be presented live for the first time, but also Ravenfield's "Pain" and of course "Rebirth" by ourselves. We can't wait to finally having a live audience again!
In January of 2020, the fellows of "Sacrifice In Fire" invited us to play together with them and "Welicoruss", a symphonic black-metal band, at the Musikklub 14/1 in Pfaffenhofen. The slogan "Metal Armageddon" promised a loud, heavy and thrilling event. With our energetic gig, we did our part to fulfil that promise and heated up the crowded bar.
This was probably the most eagerly expected gig in the band’s history. We didn’t exactly know how we managed to get a slot at the Metal im Woid festival but prepared ourselves all the more for this special event. Metal im Woid was the first pure metal festival we played at. Also in our region and very close to the infamous former farm of Hinterkaifeck, this very well organized and passionately built-up festival by the Metal Maniacs Schrobenhausen e.V. takes place in a clearing in the woods and h...
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The conclusion of this awesome month was a show in Ingolstadt with "Devils Diner" and "Suedbrand". At a very unique and beautiful location, we had to perform under the special conditions of a very small stage and an acoustically difficult setting. The old fortress is nowadays an artist workshop with a romantic, unreal and historical charm. Equipped with a bar, several bunker-like rooms and hallways, the KAP94 has its own advantages but also challenges which we could handle quite well. The small ...
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Back in our hometown of Pfaffenhofen, we were invited to play together with "Prior The End" and "Sacrifice In Fire" at the youth centre of the city. For this gig, we intended to do something special and decided to play our show in "Lederhosen" and included some other Bavarian easter eggs. We included traditional folk music and adapted it to our show and had a great time on stage. It was important for us to show, that even metal music can be presented in a fun and ironic way, as well as to catch ...
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May of 2019 was a very intense phase regarding the gigs of Kaifeck, as we had an ambitious row of three shows planned for this month. The first was the final of the Muc-King band contest. This time we played on a very big, professional stage including a very nice lightshow and a fantastic tech, who was able to create a balanced and tight sound for our show. There was a big backstage area where we were interviewed by members of the organization team, which made us feel a bit less amateur and was ...
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March 22, 2019
8 p.m.
Jugendzentrum aqu@rium, Alois-Wunder-Straße 1, 81241 München
For the year 2019, we tried to play as many shows as possible, as all the previous gigs evoked a kind of addiction and passion for playing live. We applied to a band contest in Munich, the Muc-King, which was divided into two different events. The preliminary round took place in a youth centre in the west of Munich. There were held two separate events where a jury evaluated the gigs of the bands and the two best were nominated to participate in the final round. We were glad that some of our loya...
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Our fourth and last gig in 2018 took place at another local event, the Rock im Treff in the town of Scheyern. Together with "Filip", "Salome Fur" and "Lustfinger" we had our first "home match", in front of mainly Hard Rock/ Metal fans. With our music, we contributed a very loud as well as heavy sound and convinced with a confident and energetic show. It was a very familiar and fun evening for all of us with two or three after-show beers and a very pleasant atmosphere at the whole location.
Due to our success at the Saitensprung Festival, we had the honour to play at the Humulus Lupulus Festival, a very special event in our local area. Although it’s a small, "underground" festival, it gains more and more the status of an insider tip in the Bavarian festival culture. With the stages located in a small and cosy grove the Humulus Lupulus has a very unique atmosphere created by the lightshow and the beautiful ambience. Joyfully, we looked forward to the gig in the first band slot and h...
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The Saitensprung festival is an annual event to provide a platform for local newcomer bands to perform and get in touch with other regional musicians. Embedded in a competitive structure, the bands get a chance to receive feedback on various aspects such as performance, song writing, sound and technical skills. For us, this opportunity was obligatory to use and after we inaugurated the festival, the jury presented us with very valuable information. Especially the members of "Prior The End", anot...
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Kaifeck’s first gig took place at the local music school, which all five members attended. We were very proud to debut in front of quite a number of our friends and family members, who witnessed a sophisticated and well-thought-out show. Even though the performed cover songs went down very well, the crowd appreciated songs like "Meteorite", "Beyond" or "Close To The Edge" the most. Overall, it was a successful and exciting evening.